Words from Wendy
What is Healthy Sex?
Skills for Healthy Sex
Sexual Healing
Midlife Sex
Speaking Services

Wendy's Best-Selling Sexuality Books:

Ten Year Anniversary edition of The Sexual Healing Journey. (Over 100,000 copies sold)

Private Thoughts: Exploring the Power of Women's Sexual Fantasies.

Incest and Sexuality: A Guide to Understanding and Healing


Welcome! HealthySex.com is an educational site developed by Wendy Maltz M.S.W. to promote healthy sexuality - sex based on caring, respect, and safety.

We have information on sexual health, sexual intimacy, partner communication, sexual abuse and addiction recovery, sexual fantasy, and midlife sex, as well as inspiring sexual love poems and quotes. Our goal is to help you make responsible decisions about sex that increase your sexual pleasure and happiness with a partner.


Wendy Maltz M.S.W. is an internationally recognized author and sex therapist in private practice in Eugene, Oregon. A frequent lecturer, Wendy's books include The Sexual Healing Journey, Private Thoughts, Passionate Hearts, and Intimate Kisses. Her highly acclaimed videos are Partners in Healing and Relearning Touch.

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DISCLAIMER: HealthySex.com is intended for individuals 16 years of age and older. This site does not answer personal questions or provide sex advice. (See links to sex therapy services or visit Wendy Maltz's question & answer page at www.SexualHealth.com). This site is not intended as a substitute for therapy. Contact licensed professionals in your area if you are in need of counseling and/or medical help.

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